Check out the Article Here: College of Charleston
First off we can all be thankful that this was a bomb threat where no actual device was involved nor any violence or casualties were occurred.
Secondly, the incident allows for a demonstration of the large cracks in the emergency plan at an institution that considered itself prepared with procedures in place. It took almost half an hour between the time the bomb threat was received and the students and faculty were notified. If this was an active shooter situation, by the time everyone was notified the event would have been over and lives lost. Typically active shooter events last from 5-15 minutes.
How prepared is your school or organization? Do you have a plan in place? Have you stress tested the plan? If not, why? We do not suggest having a plan on paper and figuring it will work itself out when the time arrives. That is not a successful plan. Also, if you do have a plan, we at Invictus Consulting strongly suggest you get a set of professional third-party eyes on the process. This is where I will pitch the services of our firm Invictus Consulting.