Part of our risk assessment process when we go to schools is to interview various faculty and staff to get a clear understanding of the school's current policies and procedures as relates to visitor management, credentialing, emergency protocols, and reporting issues.
The interview process is intended as a way to uncover gaps between theoretical policies and procedures and what is actually happening on a day-to-day basis. For example, administration may indicate that visitors are supposed to be buzzed in to a building, sign in at reception (after having their ID checked), get a visitors badge, and be escorted to their destination by a member of the faculty or staff. What happens in practice may be very different (e.g., they ran out of visitor badges a year and a half ago and people usually forget to sign in), and the interviews are a way to uncover this difference.

As a woman in the security industry, I see the value in sometimes having a less intimidating person conduct interviews at schools. We want people to be completely open and honest (otherwise we aren't really uncovering gaps in security), and the reality is that women faculty and staff are apt to be more open and honest with a woman interviewer.
Being a woman in the security industry is a topic we will continue to explore on this blog, so come back regularly to take a look at this subject with us.