We realize wrapping them in Kevlar and sticking them behind bullet proof glass does not project the kind of open and friendly corporate culture you would like to present to your clients. We have a low-tech and low cost way of protecting these employees that most will never be aware of. It starts with the desk. It needs to be one where you cannot see under it from the front. To complete the project you will need some plywood and several 50 lbs bags of play-sand from the hardware store. Take the bags of sand and stack them on the inside of the desk against the front wall panel. Second have the plywood cut to the size of the opening of the desk and place against the back of the sand bags. Have someone from maintenance or a handyman do the cutting and even painting of the wood to match the underside of the desk. For less than $100 you have turned the bottom of the desk into a bulletproof protected area that your employee and duck into upon the first sign of a threat. Will it 100% protect them? No, but it will give them a chance which is 1000% better than before. We will post step by steps pictured instructions at a later date.
For ideas like this or a detailed emergency plan for your organization/facility please contact us at Invictus Consulting, LLC.