This does not mean that the front door to every building needs to resemble the process to enter CIA headquarters, though that sounds like our Tactical Operations Department’s Christmas dreams coming true. Rather are there any roadblocks, physical or personnel, which slow down the threat or discourage confrontation from even entering?
For an office building, to get past the lobby is there one main entryway? Is it manned by a security staff or employee? Do you require all visitors to sign in and out? Just these little procedural steps can discourage an individual from wanting to enter the facility for anything nefarious.
To gain access to a general office area, can someone walk right in? The idea here is to create a subtle choke point where traffic is forced through a defined passage. This could be between two receptionist desks or between a desk and a walled structure. Free flow is your biggest security risk.
Proper training for the personnel working these areas could reduce many potential problems. Theirs will be the first set of eyes on the individual and could alert others to any impending problems.
Need help figuring out the best configuration or where you are vulnerable? Just contact us, it is what our experts love to do!