Regardless of where you politically/ideologically fall with regards to the 2nd Amendment arguments, we as Americans (U.S. Citizens) are widely viewed as gun toting crazies by other parts of the globe. Sort of a mixture of John Wayne and Rambo. This opinion often carries over into a bias against the need to for an active shooter plan.
We are all aware of the shootings in Paris last week. Following is a link that contains information regarding several types of “spree killings” and is broken out by different continents. Rather alarming information. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rampage_killers
Having traveled the globe we can tell you that great people are everywhere. Sadly a universal truth among humanity is that a certain portion of the population are the exact opposite, and look to actively hurt others. People that want to do harm will find ways to do it.
We have fire emergency plans which drastically reduce the loss of life in an emergency. We have inclement weather plans (tornado, hurricane, tsunami) which drastically reduce the loss of life in an emergency. Both of those scenarios have a small statistical chance of actually happening to you. But we prepare to be safe and prudent. Should the disaster of a crazed killer not garner that same attention?
Office or school place mass killings are not just an American problem. We at Invictus Consulting LLC contend that having no plan is planning to fail. Failure in this area can mean the lives of our employees and coworkers. If you would like to discuss developing and implementing a plan the please contact us!